Objectives, Assertions and Observations
Compose a complete family list
- Ancestors
- Father's side,
- Mother's side
- and Descendants
a face for each name
along with basic genealogical demographic information
Given Name, Birthdate, Wedding Date, Spouse Name, RIP Date
and Obituary Column
Store the collected information into a database that is easy to
build and maintain,
- access,
- refine
- and report
Report data into useful output formats
- uniform
browser friendly
purposeful documents
accessible through encapsulating documents
- and linked to support intuitive navigation
- Portrait child / parent member links to descendent / ancestor family portraits.
- FTDG nodes linked to Portrait
- Reports must be easily refreshed to keep abreast of data entered into the database
We have a right to know our family - past and present
We possess the raw materials needed to produce a cogent family directory
We have the technology to weave it into a useful garment
First step is to certainly identify each family and family member
Family is assigned Family ID ( FAM_ID )
Family member is assigned Individual ID ( IND_ID )
FAM_ID and IND_ID are assigned based on the Family / Individual's node location in our Family Tree Diagram
Next step is to tag family image files by embed IND_ID and FAM_ID into their respective file names
Image files can then be grouped by family or family member.
Labeled files are much easier to search and sort and are generally more productive to work with.
Image file names are made user friendly by embedding Family Member's Given Name or the Family Surname along with the ID
Genealogy accounting systems must be GEDCOM compliant.
data requirements
index requirements ( each family and family member must be uniquely identified with a permanent ID)
relationship requirements ( Each Individual must be a member - child or spouse - of a Family)
Faces can be scanned from photo albums or culled from digital image sources
(e.g. FaceBook, family photo CD or DVDs, family emails, digital camera,newspaper website, ...)