Thursday February 25th, 2016 9:10 AM

Family GPS compared to Historic Family Tree Numbering Systems

Describe Family Genealogy Postioning System ( Family GPS ) methodology and its influences.




(German for "ancestor table")

Henry System

FamilyGPS System

Compare and Contrast FamilyGPS with other methods

Method Similarities Differences

FamilyGPS Family IDs for Ancestors correlate with Ahnentafel rules
Notice how Ancestor families in FamilyGPS chart above correlate with Ahnentafel formula
Ahnentafel formula
Father's number will be twice that individual's number
Mother's will be twice that individual's number plus one

Ahnentafel makes no mention of numbering descendent generations
Ahnentafel charts are read left to right; GAF reads ancestors right to left.
FamilyGPS reserves Family ID 1 through 63 for ancestors
Descendents use Family Numbers greater than 100 to ensure no numbering conflicts.
Henry System

FamilyGPS Family IDs for Descendents has much in common with the Henry System

  1. A digit is appended for each generation
  2. The Digit value is derived from Birth Order

Where GAF differs from both Ahnentafel and Henry

GAF methodolgy provides unique IDs ( FAM ID and IND ID ) applied at the family level and Individual
Ahnentafel and Henry systems provide index for individuals only
  • GAF and GEDCOM use indexes of

    1. Families and
    2. Individuals (Family Members)
  • to define family relationships
  • GEDCOM (Genealogical Data Communication) is a proprietary and open specification
  • for exchanging genealogical data between different genealogy software.
  • GEDCOM was developed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) as an aid to genealogical research.

GAF is more than GEDCOM

  1. GEDCOM IDs are randomly assigned based on Data Entry order
  2. GAF Family and Individual IDs are intelligent values that articulate family relationships.
    • The spatial relationship between extended families members can be mapped on a Family Tree Diagram as depicted in chart above.
  3. GAF adds further leverages these calcuable IDs into a file naming convention to associate, catalog and report family image files by member or family
    • GAF supports data independence
      • Tables and Image files are logically defined and can be implemeted independent of any proprietary software or web services
      • GAF compliant family tree accounting allows for easy data and image file sharing with other extended family members.

WIKI Resources Consulted

  5. Use the definition that a father's number will be twice that individual's number, or a mother's will be twice plus one,
  7. Henry System[edit]