Fieldname | Type(Size) | Description | Example |
FAM_ID | C(15) |
Family ID follows binary ancestory branches see FamilyTree_Number_Scheme.jpg
| 2 |
IND_ID | C( 12) |
Individual ID -
Unique Number used to identify each family member
IND_ID Format
FAM_ID dash Birth Order
IND_ID: 2-4
describes the fourth born child of family 2 (Father's family)
| 2-4 |
GIVEN | C( 52) |
Given Name FirstName MI LastName
| William F. Gaffey |
BORN | Date |
Date of Birth
When only the Birth Year is known
- This value is recorded as the midpoint date of that year
- 07/01/YYYY
| 05/31/1931 |
DIED | Date |
Date of Death
Use 07/01/YYYY for imprecise Rest In Peace (RIP) dates
| 05/21/2012 |
NOTE | C(250) |
A place to record random data associated with this individual.
- .e.g I gave the eulogy at Dad's funeral.
| |
DECEASED | Logical |
- Necessary to distinguish living and dead family members -
False means Individual is alive
- Useful for stratifying family members between Birthday and memoriam calendars.
| True |
FAMSIDE | C( 1) |
Filter and sort family members for different audiences
- (F)ather's Side =
- Family IDs (2,4,5,8,9,10,11)
- and their decendent families (e.g. 201,2011,...)
- Family Tree Diagram uses red nodes to distinguish Paternal families
- (M)other's Side =
- Family IDs (3,6,7,12,13,14,15)
- and their decendent families (e.g. 304,3091,...)
- Family Tree Diagram uses blue nodes to distinguish Maternal families
(D)ecendents of Root Family (FAM_ID=1)
- Decendent families, after Root Family, have FAM_ID values that start with '10' (e.g. 101,1021,...)
- Family Tree Diagram uses purple nodes to distinguish Descendent families
- see Family Tree Diagram for demonstration of Family Side color convention
Useful to sort Family Member records by Family Side when
producing calendars and
producing Family Tree Diagrams
- stratifying web pages to direct navigation
- sharing data with other family members
| F/M/D |
MALE | Logical |
Data Entered though FAM_MEMBERLKUP.scx radio button
True for boys False for girls
| True |
MARRIED | C( 52) |
Need to address through FAM_MEMBERLKUP.scx update
Married Name
Leave Blank for men and unmarried women
| |
OBIT | C(100) | File name of obituary column image file.
Use naming convention which includes Given Name and IND ID to provide intelligent and unique OBIT file names.
Sometimes grave information is saved in place of unobtained Obituary column.
Obit columns are imperfect biographies but they typically they best tool we have for an overview of a relative's life.
| William_Gaffey_2-4_obit.jpg |
PHOTO | C(100) |
The ability to associate a face with each name is a powerful component of GAF methodology
It makes it more real and more entertaining
PHOTO field holds File name of face image ( jpg ) file for this family member.
Use naming convention which includes Given Name and IND ID to provide intelligent and unique PHOTO file names.
- First_Last Name of GIVEN plus IND_ID
Form a predictable filename root
- to use for jpg files associated with this family member.
William_Gaffey_2-4_pp.jpg |