Thursday October 1st, 2015 9:54 AM

Greg and John go Sky Diving

Note the time when Greg Maydan and John Gaffey jumped out of perfectly good aircraft.
In the summer of 1982 at the Syracuse Suburban Airport
APD Brothers Greg and John paid $75 each to stat line jump out of a small plane.

Later that summer APD Brothers Andy Bouton, Roger Byrne (and Mark Dygulski?) went with Gaffey to the airport and jumped.

We trained all morning jumping off a picnic table and discussing postures you had to assume if you
were to land in power lines, trees, or water. I came close to two out of three.

The pictures taken were of the weekend before we jumped.
We had to come back a second weekend because it was too windy to jump that first trip there
(even though I had a family audience - my parents and neices and nephews)
pictured are Bill Gaffey, Andrea Hall, Jennifer Gaffey and Jake Hall
We watched a stunt parachute jumper land really hard

When we did jump, the air field we took off from looked like a postage stamp
This was only my second ride in an airplane
(first time was at lower altitude in sightseeing plane in Bar Harbor Maine);
We were flying with the door open, I was seated close to door.
They threw a flag out to test wind direction. Then we jumped

We stat line jumped out at 2,500 elevation - I went first.
I jumped out unassisted even though my mind was telling me -
"you really don't want to do this" Within a split second I blacked out,
then woke up and freaked a bit because my chute didn't immediately fully deploy
(they told me later my arch back technique sucked)
I think they call it a Mae West; so I scissor kick my legs a bit and it fully opened
I was chill for a few seconds then I heard them yelling from ground - turn left;
I started to turn but noticed there were power lines that way
I stopped turning, I landed canopied over tree
and I followed the proper posture to cover my face and artieries
(arms crosses, elbows above head, hands covering armpits)
It worked I landed about a foot above the ground without getting scratched up
I released my harness and hopped to the ground.
I don't know how they recovered that chute off that tree where I left it