Thursday March 10th, 2022 4:53 AM

William Cletus Haley Time Line


Roughly layout the time line of great grandfather William C. Haley.


The timeline below reflects information gleaned from his obituary.


Year(s) 1888 1910 - 1912 1915 - 1920 1910s - 1940s 1940s 1953 - 1955 1955
William C Haley
Life Events


September 22, 1888

Lost his mother, Mary Knittle Haley, at 3 months old

Father remarried, raised by Mary Ernenwein


Served in Army in Phillipines

Rome Police Officer

Raised a family

Griffiss Air Force Base Guard

Oneida County Hospital Barber


William's father, John J Haley was born in England, in the year Lincoln died - 1865.
Don't have precise birthdate so don't know if was born before the April 15th assasination date.
His grandparents were born in Ireland (1835, 1837). They are reported in the 1875 NYS Census.

1875 NYS Census

Family Plot convention for imprecise dates is to plot them at mid points.
If only the year is known for given event, such as birth or death, then event is recorded as July 1st of that year.

Married Florence Bingham 1911

Bought Arsenal House

1920 Census

1930 Census

1940 Census