Wednesday December 20th, 2017 8:30 AM

US Census 1870 - Osceola NY Gaffey 8 and Quinn 9




See below.


Family Members identified in page 16 of the 1870 US Census Osceola NY

Surname First Name Age (Birth Year) Gender Occupation Birth Place Ind ID
Gaffey Michael 65 (1805) M Farmer Ireland 16.10
Gaffey Ann 50 (1820) F Keeping House Ireland 17.10
Gaffey Julia 18 (1852) F NY 8.30
Gaffey John 26 (1844) M Farm Laborer NY 8.20
Gaffey Ellen 16 (1854) F NY 8.70
Gaffey Margaret 14 (1856) F NY 8.80
Gaffey William 13 (1857) M NY 8.90
Quinn Patrick 52 (1818) M Farmer Ireland 18.10
Quinn Julia 50 (1820) F Keeping House Ireland 19.10
Quinn Peter 27 (1843) M Farm Laborer NY 9.10
Quinn Julia 19 (1851) F Teacher NY 9.20
Quinn Catherine 16 (1854) F NY 9.30