Event Date
| Event
| Source
1804 |
born in Ireland (approximate)
1838 |
emmigrated to US
- with his wife Ann
- and 1 child
- 1840 Census accounts for a household female between age 5 and 10
1840 |
US Census
(only Head of Household named in 1840 census)
- Trenton, New York
- Household
- Michael Gaffny (age 30 -40)
- female (age 15-20) wife Ann age 20
- female (age 5-10)
not reported in 1850 census
- eldest child was lost between 1840 and 1850
- female (age under 5)
- female (age under 5)
- male (age under 5)
1840 US Census Trenton, NY
1844 |
became US Citizen
- September 16, 1844
- witnessed by
- Patrick Muldown
- Patrick Carny
1850 |
- US Census
- Trenton, New York
- Household August 19, 1850
Michael Gaffey | 46
| 1804-1805
Ann Gaffy | 32
| 1818-1819
John | 11
| 1839-1840
Ann | 7
| 1853-1854
Edward | 4
| 1846-1847
1850 US Census Trenton, NY
1870 |
- US Census
- Osceola, New York
- Household
Michael Gaffy | 65
| 1804-1805
Ann Gaffy | 50
| 1819-1820
John | 26
| 1843-1844
Ellen | 16
| 1853-1854
Margaret | 14
| 1855-1856
William | 13
| 1856-1857
1870 US Census Osceola, NY
John L Gaffey
1900 |
- US Census
- Osceola, New York
- Household
1900 US Census Osceola, NY
Name: Julia Quinn Gaffey
Titles and Terms:
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1900
Event Place: Osceola Township, Lewis, New York, United States
District: 70
Gender: Female
Age: 49
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race (Original): W
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Wife
Number of Living Children: 5
Years Married: 18
Birth Date: May 1851
Birthplace: New York
Marriage Year (Estimated): 1882
Immigration Year:
Father's Birthplace: Ireland
Mother's Birthplace: Ireland
Mother of how many children: 7
Sheet Number and Letter: 4A
Household ID: 49
Line Number: 25
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number: T623
GS Film Number: 1241070
Digital Folder Number: 004114565
Image Number: 00267
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
John Gaffey Head M 59 New York
Julia Gaffey Wife F 49 New York
William Gaffey Son M 18 New York
John Gaffey Son M 16 New York
Kattie Gaffey Daughter F 14 New York
Anna Gaffey Daughter F 11 New York
Agnes Gaffey Daughter F 7 New York
Citing this Record:
"United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MSNT-BBK : accessed 13 July 2015),
Julia Gaffey in household of John Gaffey, Osceola Township, Lewis, New York, United States;
citing sheet 4A, family 49, NARA microfilm publication T623
(Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 1,241,070.