Friday November 20th, 2015 10:07 AM

Missing Obituary Column - Dad's Side


List Family Tree members from Dad's side of family
which are presumed dead and
we lack obituary column.


Obituary columns help provide insight into our relatives lives.
Anyone able to provide an electronic or hard copy obituary for any relative listed below
or any other particulars ( birthdate or RIP date)
please contact_me.htm
2.30 2-30 Lenore Mulvaney 10/15/1928 09/01/2009
2.40 2-40 William F. Gaffey 05/31/1931 05/21/2012
2.69 2-69 John Norman Gaffey 02/01/1936 02/01/1936
2.69 2-69 James Thomas Gaffey 02/01/1936 02/01/1936
4.20 4-20 John Gaffey 05/01/1884 07/01/1909
4.30 4-30 Katheryn Katie Gaffey 05/01/1886 / /
5.10 5-10 John Mulvaney 07/01/1894 / /
5.20 5-20 Frances Mulvaney 07/01/1897 / /
5.30 5-30 Joe Mulvaney 07/01/1907 / /
8.01 8-01 Michael Gaffey 07/01/1804 / /
8.02 8-02 Ann ? 07/01/1818 / /
8.10 8-10 Catherine Gaffey 07/01/1838 / /
8.20 8-20 John L. Gaffey 09/01/1841 / /
8.30 8-30 Ann Gaffey 07/01/1843 / /
8.40 8-40 Julia Gaffey 07/01/1845 / /
8.50 8-50 Edward Gaffey 07/01/1846 / /
8.60 8-60 Laura C Gaffey 07/01/1850 / /
9.01 9-01 Patrick Quinn 07/01/1818 / /
9.02 9-02 Julia ? 07/01/1815 / /
9.10 9-10 John Quinn 07/01/1839 / /
9.20 9-20 Peter Quinn 07/01/1843 / /
9.30 9-30 Lawrence Quinn 07/01/1845 / /
9.40 9-40 Jamea Quinn 07/01/1847 / /
9.50 9-50 Julia Quinn 05/01/1851 11/01/1919
9.60 9-60 Catherine Quinn 07/01/1856 / /
10.01 10-01 Jas Mulvaney 07/01/1816 / /
10.02 10-02 Mary ? (Mulvaney) 07/01/1825 / /
10.10 10-10 Michael Mulvaney 07/01/1844 / /
10.20 10-20 John Mulvaney 07/01/1855 / /
10.30 10-30 Ellen Mulvaney 04/01/1855 / /
11.01 11-01 Patric C. Smith 07/01/1835 / /
11.02 11-02 Mary ? 07/01/1815 / /
11.10 11-10 Edward Smith 07/01/1858 / /
11.20 11-20 John Smith 07/01/1860 / /
11.30 11-30 Rose Smith 07/01/1863 / /
11.40 11-40 James Smith 07/01/1866 / /
11.50 11-50 Martha Smith 07/01/1874 / /
403.20 403-20 Lawrence Cavanaugh / / / /
4031.01 4031-01 James Fitzgerald / / 05/14/1983
4031.10 4031-10 James Fitzgerald / / / /
4031.20 4031-20 Joseph Fitzgerald / / / /
4032.10 4032-10 Bill Cavanaugh / / / /
4032.20 4032-20 Louis Cavanaugh / / / /
404.20 404-20 Gerald Schafer 01/25/1918 04/13/2013
404.30 404-30 Lucille Schafer 02/03/1919 01/15/2013
4042.01 4042-01 Rose Doyle / / / /
4042.30 4042-30 Patrick Schafer 04/01/1948 11/20/2007
40421.01 40421-01 Sue Parry / / / /
40422.01 40422-01 Laurie Totaro / / / /
404221.10 404221-10 Adian Becker / / / /
40423.01 40423-01 Eileen Neff / / / /
40431.01 40431-01 Karl LaBarge / / / /
404312.01 404312-01 Kathleen Gaffney / / / /
404314.01 404314-01 Marabeth Soltis / / / /
4044.01 4044-01 Joyce Reddick / / / /
4045.01 4045-01 Richard Wilder / / / /
40451.10 40451-10 Noele Collins / / / /
40452.01 40452-01 James Bennett / / / /
40453.01 40453-01 Jay Tibbotts / / / /
40453.10 40453-10 Grace Tibbotts / / / /
40453.20 40453-20 Lily Tibbotts / / / /
40453.30 40453-30 Rose Tibbotts / / / /
40453.40 40453-40 Sophie Tibbotts / / / /
405.01 405-01 Samuel Foley / / / /
202.01 202-01 Marion Furney / / / /
205.01 205-01 Gwyne Leach / / / /
205.20 205-20 Edwin Paul Leach ? / / / /
206.20 206-20 Linda Marie Bell 10/08/1954 09/11/1975
206.50 206-50 Ralph Timothy Gaffey 09/28/1960 11/10/1994
206.60 206-60 Marie Ann Gaffey 06/13/1962 11/17/1962
209.01 209-01 Gary Hugh Finnerty 11/14/1944 06/24/1999
403.01 403-01 William Cavanaugh 07/25/1886 / /
404.01 404-01 Arthur C. Schafer / / 07/01/1979
4043.01 4043-01 Edward Grant Jr. / / 01/01/1949
4051.01 4051-01 OLera Ervin / / / /
4051.10 4051-10 Jacqueline Foley / / / /
4051.20 4051-20 Robert Foley Jr / / / /
4051.30 4051-30 Dale Foley / / / /
40511.10 40511-10 Mark Effner Jr / / / /
40511.20 40511-20 Stacie Effner / / / /
40512.10 40512-10 Ryan Foley / / / /
8.70 8-70 Ellen Gaffey 07/01/1854 / /
8.80 8-80 Margaret Gaffey 07/01/1856 / /
8.90 8-90 William Gaffey 07/01/1857 / /

Date Acquired:Friday November 20th, 2015 10:05 PM
Prepared By:John Gaffey
Last Updated:Friday November 20th, 2015 10:05 PM