Sunday February 25th, 2018 12:50 PM

Updated Family.dbf Table


Note the format and record count of the recently modified Family.dbf table used in Family Passport application fpp.exe


The newly formatted Family table was migrated to production today.

We have accounted for 248 families thus far
[Note: Several Family.dbf records have no meaningful data; they serve as place holders to support query joins with FAM_MEMBER.dbf
There are many other records with missing bits of info - eg. WED_DATE, MOTHER surname]

Fam_ID was changed from numeric to character format to support parenthetical notation for families with over 9 children.

e.g. Haley Family descendants, FAM_ID=7, for child 1 through 9, FAM_ID = 701 through 709
For the tenth child FAM_ID = 70(10)

This would work well for tracing descendants of ancestor families with double digit FAM_IDs.
i.e. Descendants of FAM_ID=11 would be FAM_ID=(11)01 through (11)09

Currently we only track descendants for Ancestor families FAM_ID =1 through 7


C:\JPG\FAMILY.DBF_DD.htm untitled
Sunday February 25th, 2018


Table Last Updated: 02/20/2018 10:26:32

Records: 248

Dependent Files:

Fieldname Type(Size) DescriptionExample
FAM_ID C( 20) Family ID Number 1
SURNAME C( 51) Family Surname Gaffey
FATHER_ID C( 12) Father IND_ID 2.40
FATHER C( 52) Father Given Name William F Gaffey
MOTHER_ID C( 12) Mother IND_ID 3.20
MOTHER C( 52) Mother's Maiden Name Joanne Dunn
WED_DATE Date 11/25/1954
WED_PLACE C( 30) Rome
PHOTO C(100) Gaffey_1_wedding.jpg